League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients[2] for the video game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. It is a free-to-play game, supported by micro-transactions. It was first announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009. League of Legends was generally well received at release, and has grown in popularity in the years since. According to a 2012 Forbes article, League of Legends is the most played PC game in the world in terms of the number of hours played.

Hello there League of Legends players.

Are you on of the milions of passionate LoL gamers that are playing the game on daily basis?  Well then you are in the right place! Learn how to get free RP and IP points only with my generator for free!
With your own Riot Points from this generator you will be able to unlock new champions the day they come out , buy LEGENDARY skins for all your favourite champions , buy runes etc.

From now on you don't have to pay for Riot Points anymore, put away your credit cards, put away your money. After many weeks of hard work of coding and researching i have found a breach in Riot
Games's system that allows me to bypass security and get codes for free.

So i decided to make a generator for these codes and share it with you guys !


For proof you can see my Riot Points at the moment in League of Legends in the next picture:

This application is very easy to use, and is GUARANTEED 100% VIRUS FREE

All you have to do is :

1. Download the Riot Points Generator Hack.rar from the download link below
2. Select if you want to get free RP or IP
4. Enjoy !

                                                           Download counter: 7342